31.Musique Acoustique Workshop, Virton, Belgium

virton2013I’ll be teaching the resonator guitar (Dobro) at Musique Acoustique again this year. The workshop will have 13 international teachers of different instruments which are used in acoustic music. Find more informations at:


The date of the workshop is March, 28th – April 2nd, 2016

My program for 2016 is: every particular day in the workshop week to cover one particular key (G,D,C,A,F), which I consider as a crucial and basic for sufficient playing (Monday – G major, Tuesday – D major and so on ) and provide their complete theoretical and technical analysis to help my students to understand how they functions on the Dobro. My goal is to gain your freeboard knowledge and help you to strengthen the ability to use those keys in your own playing and thus provide the base for your further study of resonator guitar playing.

Every key will be covered by its corresponding scale, chords, exercises and a tune.
Plus some very useful scales for those keys,  like major and minor pentatonics and blues scales will be covered too.

If you need a bit of inspiration, if you are eager to learn something new or to look on the old know things from different perspective, if you want to meet some new resonator guitar friends or/and jam with other musicians, Virton’s Workshop is the right place for you.

Looking forward to see you there!



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