Brussels Dobro and banjo Workshop 2023


November 17._19. is scheduled for a 4th resophonic guitar workshop which will be simultaneously running with a banjo workshop.

The workshops will be held in Pervez close to Brussels, BE.

A part of it will be an exclusive concert of Lluís Gómez and myself and a jam of participants

I am looking forward to this event and meeting my buddy Lluís as well.

If you are interested in Dobro or banjo playing, there are a few spots still available. ❤️🎶🍀

For more info, price, and details contact Dominique Lambin at

Tennessee Waltz

The tablature and a Guitar Pro file for Tennessee Waltz were added to the store.

Tennessee Waltz – here is my dobro arrangement of a popular country song that suits the instrument well. It contains a few slant positions that require a bit of practice, but otherwise, it is a beautiful melody that needs to be played with emotion and feeling. Here it’s in the key of C

The tablature can be found on my store page and you can watch the video of myself playing it here: classroom page or on my YouTube channel.


The tablature and a Guitar Pro file for Greensleves were added to the store.

Greensleeves is a traditional English song. Christmas lyrics were later associated with the song, among the others the most famous one is What Child is This. Eighter way here is my Dobro arrangement in the key of B minor and I think it suits to the tune well. Check it out and properly tune your B strings. 😜

The tablature can be found on my store page and you can watch the video of myself playing it here: classroom page or on my YouTube channel.

Kentucky Waltz

Kentucky Waltz – a tablature of a bluegrass classic was added to the shop. It is a song written by the father of bluegrass music – Mr. Bill Monroe. Although the former recording doesn’t have a Dobro break it’s an excellent vehicle for the Dobro playing. Here is my arrangement of this beautiful song in the key of D. It contains many forward and a few reverse slant positions, so pay attention to them and be patient. For more reference feel free to watch the video of me playing this song.

You can watch the video on my classroom page or my YouTube channel.

A new CD by Novy Rownak – Cesty po hvezdach

A new CD from the country-folk band Novy Rownak, where I play the dobro and lap steel is out. The CD contains exclusively original songs by our singer Viktor Pucek and it’s sung in the Czech language.
If you are interested in this type of music, or if you are just curious how it sounds, here is the link to the Novy Rownak website where you can hear the song samples.

Samples of the Novy Rownak – Cesty po hvezdach

If you like it and you want to own this music on your CD collection write me via contact sheet on this website. The CD is not available in digital distribution. The price is 12€ plus postage.

Musique Acoustique fundraising

I have to say, I feel blessed to be a part of the Musique Acoustique family. What a generous act to organize fundraising for lectors-musicians, who lost the opportunities to perform their occupation during this corona crisis. Along with the students of the workshop, they gathered the money in fundraising and divided it among the teachers. This is not something that might be taken for granted and it makes me speechless. I am deeply touched by this act of humanity. What a pity we couldn’t celebrate together the 35th anniversary of the MA Workshop together this year and I hope we’ll do it in good health next year.
Stay safe and healthy everybody, looking forward to seeing you soon!


13.Resoland Workshop – second date

After a succesful first edition of my 13. Resoland Workshop – “Backups and how to play behind the singer”, I decided to organize the second one which will be held on November 10.-12. at the same place.

At the first one we’ve invited some new members to our Resoland family, had one birthday celebration and a lots of fun. Thanks to all students and Slovak country music star Allan Mikušek!
