Musique Acoustique Workshop in Virton, BE 2021

Hello resophonic friends,

Last year, for objective reasons and partially my subjective ones, we took a long break with all the workshops associated with teaching the Dobro.

I hope that this period is at least more or less behind us and that all the activities, as we were used to, will start slowly.

The first act of the year is the Musique Acoustique Workshop in Virton, Belgium, which will take place in a different regime than in previous years, due to the persisting restrictions.
All necessary information can be found on their website: (available in French and English)

It is important for us that the teaching resophonic guitar (Dobro) is included in the first round, which will take place on April 3-6, 2021.
The maximum number of students in a class is 6, so capacity is limited.

Registration for the workshop started on January 1 and you can register at

If you are interested in the workshop, register, if you want to know more about how the workshop will take place, do not hesitate to contact the organizers.

Let us all keep our fingers crossed that the situation with the pandemic will stabilize so much that the workshop will be able to run smoothly and that we will all finally meet our beloved tools.
with our favorite music.


dobro workshops

My Dobro teaching in 2020

Here are the confirmed dates of the workshops where I will teach in 2020.

20.-22. March17. Resoland Workshop with the topic “Slants”. Located in the family cabin in Little Carpathians. Only for domestic students. More info here.

6.-11. April – Musique Acoustique in Virton, Belgium. At a time of writing this post, there are a few spots still open. More information, as well as the signing form can be found here.

12.-16. July – Bluegrass and Wellness Workshop. A unique workshop organized by my fellow guitarist Ondra Kozak in beautiful Slovak mountains suitable for the whole family. More information is on Ondra’s web site here.

2.-4. October – Adiaha’s Bluegrass Camp. A prestigious workshop located in beautiful Aschau im Chiemgau in Bavaria, Germany. More info can be found here.

6.-8. November18. Resoland Workshop (the topic is not yet determined). Located in the family cabin in Little Carpathians. Only for domestic students. More info here.

4.-6. December – 3.Brussels Workshop. For the third time now, the resonator guitar workshop located in Perwez near Brussels, Belgium.
More info directly from me or from Dominique Lambin here.

I would love to see you and resonate at some of these events!

Have a nice 2020 full of great experiences with your resonator guitar!